FB IMG 1702379742842December 12, 2023, the Great Lecture Hall Omar Assassi held ‘The Public Accounting System Reform in Strengthening the Public Institutions Governance’ First National Forum events, organized by the Department of Financial Sciences and Accounting at the Biskra University via the Laboratory of Finance, Banking and Business Administration and in cooperation with the Regional Directorate of Budget at Ouargla. The university community attended along with the Regional Director of Budget at Ouargla his delegation, the Wilaya officials, local security and military authorities, participating university guest teachers.

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On December 10, 2023, Biskra University Faculty of Sciences and Engineering held the second Arab Forum on Mechanical Engineering at Chetma Pole, following the successful first edition in 2017. On behalf of the University Rector, Mr Abdelhamid Djeffal opened the

meeting, then, the Faculty Dean, Mr. Hatem Ghodbane, delivered a speech eliciting the forum’s relevance. The Forum’s Chair, Mr. Kamal Aoues, displayed the preparations details.