The Second Training Day on Scientific Research Methodology: Scientific Publishing Tools and Techniques

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On 03 June 2024, Biskra University Vice-Directorate for Postgraduate Studies organised the
second training day on ‘Scientific Research Methodology: Scientific Publishing Tools and
Techniques’ for doctorate students and university researchers, supervised by the Vice-rector
Pr Salim Bitam, with the Pedagogy Vice-rector, Faculties Deans, university teachers and

This training day highlighted various issues for scientific publication in indexed
journals in Web of Science or Scopus 03 by programming lectures with a focus on scientific
research tools and techniques, methods of high-level indexed scientific journals selection,
related to theses preparation and defence. Teachers from Biskra, Laghouat or Oum-Elbouaghi
universities programmed eleven workshops addressed to doctoral students by fields. This day
witnessed the participation of 345 doctoral students and researchers registered through Biskra
University electronic link. The organisers sought to achieve several objectives for publication
in indexed scientific journals to guiding doctoral students in the use of modern techniques and
tools in scientific research, such as scientific databases and management programmes.
