A Study Day on Ethics and Academic Behaviour From the Perspective of Value and Practice Sciences

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In endeavouring to improve performance in ethics and rules at all levels, Biskra University
organised a study day, on 23 May 2024, entitled ‘Ethics and academic behaviour from the
perspective of value and practice sciences’, in coordination with the Association of Former
Directors of University Institutions. The association members and the regional seminar for
universities of the East representatives with the Association President, Pr Mohamed
Namamsha, and universities directors of Batna 1 and El Oued, the university ethics cell head,
Pr. Abdelwahab Dakhia attended. Also,

a team of university officials and administrators,
including the secretary general, Vice-rectors, deans of faculties and their deputies were
present; also attended Biskra University and some universities former directors, all headed by
Pr Mohamed Elhadi Latrash, and Biskra University Rector, Pr Mahmoud Debabeche. This
day works were characterised by richness and diversity with results to serve for updating the
university’s code of ethics, responding to the development of administrative and pedagogical
means and practices, such as distance teaching, digital content democratisation and access to
different platforms and to improve quality and performance of the Code of Ethics.
