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On 06 May, 2024, Biskra University Sciences and Technologies of Physical and Sports Activities Institute, with Biskra Wilaya Office Donorship National Association, and Youth Higher Council organised an awareness day on " Voluntary Work Youth Enhancing
Capacities” attended by university administrators and officials, and the association members and various stakeholders. The Institute Director, Mr. Hamid Dechri, praised this event cooperation, pointing out to the theme relevance related to the investment in young students.
Biskra Association president, Mr. Imad Omrane, stressed on the efforts invested to directingyoung people towards voluntary work to promote social and developmental work in Algeria.


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For the qualifying round of the Algeria University Cup of Mini-football, Biskra University
held on 02 May 2024, the football match kick-off of its team against Barika University Centre
team, headed by the University Rector. The university community, administrators and
officials attended with the sub-Director of Scientific, Cultural and Sports Activities, the
National Mini-football Committee President, Mr. Moncef Souissi, the Physical Education and
Sports Department Head, of the Youth and Sports Directorate of Biskra, Mr. Nacer Djazar.

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On April 29, 2024, the Architecture Department organized the national forum first edition on
‘Climate Change, Health and Well-being: Towards Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies in
Urban Areas’. The university community, the university Secretary General, Vice-rectors,
Faculties’ Deans, Departments Heads, teachers and students, with the honourable presence of
Biskra Wilaya Environment Director and the Fisheries Director, companies’ representatives,
and Biskra Abdelhamid Ben Badis and Alaouani Abdelhamid Primary Schools directors
attended, and the buds of the two schools adorned the event.

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On April 28, 2024, Biskra University Faculty of Science and Technology through Civil
Engineering and Irrigation Department and the Numerical Modelling Laboratory, with the
Geosynthetics Scientific Society organized the;Scientific and Technical Day on
Geosynthetics”. The university family officials and executives, Vice-Directors, the Faculty
Dean, departments’ heads, teachers and students, and the President of Geosynthetics
Scientific Society, Mr. Zaher Djidjli, and Avitax Algeria General Manager, Mr. Said Thabti

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April 24, 2024, witnessed the National Hybrid Forum entitled "The Role of Digitization
in the Governance of the Public Health Facility: Reality and Prospects”, organized by the
Governance of the Public Health Facility: Reality and Prospects”, organized by the
Economics, Commerce and Management Sciences Faculty, with the Algerian Society for
Management and Health Management.

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On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, the Semiotics and Discursive Practices Laboratory organized, with the French Language and Literature Department of Biskra University Faculty of Letters and Languages, the national forum on "Reflexive Pedagogy in the University. Additions and Pedagogical and Educational Stakes in the Digitization Era ", attended by the faculty Dean, Mr. Brahim Khetiri, the Secretary General, departments’ heads, the laboratory
director, teachers and students.