On 28th January 2025, Biskra University inaugurated the second edition of the International

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Symposium on Innovative Informatics (ISNIB’25), in the presence of informatics and
artificial intelligence teachers and researchers from Algeria and abroad.

Professor Mahmoud Debabeche, the University’s rector, attended the opening session, with his deputies, his
secretary general, faculties’ deans, departments’ heads and teachers and various levels
students. The event, organised by the Faculty of Exact, Natural and Life Sciences, through the
Department of Computing, is an important scientific platform. Pr El-Aid Kahloul opened the
session and stressed the importance of this forum as a space for the exchange of scientific
expertise between researchers from different countries and that it aimed to review the latest
concepts in automated media and artificial intelligence, to provide innovative solutions to
current challenges in the field. For his part, Pr Tewfik Bendahmane, the Computing
Department Head, said that this forum is a platform to bring together the views of researchers,
to adapting global challenges in light of the increasing use of artificial intelligence. The Exact,
Natural and Life Sciences Faculty Dean, Pr. Attaf Abdellah, expressed his pride in organising
in organising an international forum of this magnitude. He stressed that this edition reflects
the commitment to support and develop scientific research to keep pace with global
developments. The University Rector officially announced the launch of the Forum. The
Forum began with scientific sessions on accepted papers, with topics in artificial intelligence
and computer science, and scientific workshops to discuss innovative solutions to current
technological challenges. The ISNIB’25 is a qualitative step in promoting academic and
research cooperation between different national and international universities. It also reflects
the vision of Biskra University of to become a “University 4.0”, which contributes to the
improvement of academic and research performance.
