IVAR'2024 is an international scientific event open to young researchers, academics, and industrialists interested in the latest advances in eXtended Realities1 XR in the context of Metavers .
IVAR'2024 is an international scientific event open to young researchers, academics, and industrialists interested in the latest advances in eXtended Realities1 XR in the context of Metavers .
Biskra University in collaboration with the Dictionary Academy for Research and
Translation in the UK and the Sahel Complex for Education and Training in El-Oued
Organize on 16 and 17 August 2024 ‘The Second International Virtual Conference
on the Quality of Education in the Arab World Using Artificial Intelligence’.
Biskra University organised, on 24 June 2024, the training course closing for
newly recruited teachers supervised by the Pedagogical Accompaniment Cell,
attended by the university community, headed by the Rector, Mr Mahmoud
Debabeche, and the Vice-rector for Pedagogy, the Deans of faculties, the cell
coordinator, teachers and trainees. By the closing the course, the university Rector
praised the efforts deployed for its success, and the importance of investing in
young faculty members, to raise the level of education and scientific research. He
finally gave directives to the trainees.
In endeavouring to improve performance in ethics and rules at all levels, Biskra University
organised a study day, on 23 May 2024, entitled ‘Ethics and academic behaviour from the
perspective of value and practice sciences’, in coordination with the Association of Former
Directors of University Institutions. The association members and the regional seminar for
universities of the East representatives with the Association President, Pr Mohamed
Namamsha, and universities directors of Batna 1 and El Oued, the university ethics cell head,
Pr. Abdelwahab Dakhia attended. Also,
As part of the implementation of 1275 Resolution, Biskra University hosted on 30 May 2024,
a lecture organised by the Director of the University Business Incubator, Mr. Mohamed
Jallab, on ‘How to prepare the technical and economic study of innovative projects’, attended
by training teachers and students involved in this mechanism. At first, the incubator Director
referred to six themes: focus on how to present the project, highlight its innovative aspects,
the strategic market analysis production, the organisation plan, the financial plan and the
prototype pilot, stressing the rich content of the event, as an ideal opportunity for students to
raise various concerns related to their projects.
On 03 June 2024, Biskra University Vice-Directorate for Postgraduate Studies organised the
second training day on ‘Scientific Research Methodology: Scientific Publishing Tools and
Techniques’ for doctorate students and university researchers, supervised by the Vice-rector
Pr Salim Bitam, with the Pedagogy Vice-rector, Faculties Deans, university teachers and