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On 12 November, the Humanities and Social Sciences faculty organised the National Forum
“Scientific Publishing in the Digital Environment - Reality, Stakes and Strategies”. The forum
aimed to highlight the importance of scientific publishing in the digital environment to expand
knowledge and support academic research in the rapid digital transformations. It opened
discussion on its challenges and explored strategies for access improvement. It also discussed
the mechanisms of digital scholarly publishing to keeping pace with technological



انطلقت صبيحة يوم الإثنين 11 نوفمبر 2024 مجريات الدورة الرابعة من امتحان تحديد المستوى في اللغة الإنجليزية (Test of placement ) لطلبة دكتوراه بجامعة بسكرةFB IMG 1731423808722
بإشراف نائب مدير الجامعة للتكوين الطور الثالث دكتوراه الأستاذ سليم بيطام، و مهندسي وتقنيي مركز الشبكات وانظمة  الاتصال و التعليم عن بعد و التعليم المتلفز .







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Biskra University hosted on 6 November the honouring ceremony of the medical staff
participating in the national medical convoy to the southern Wilayas, “Algeria Triumphant’’.
The attendees were university administrators and officials, headed by the University Rector,
Pr. Mahmoud Debabeche, the University Secretary General, Mr Hakim Henano, with Biskra
Wilaya Health Director,