Short-term training

Article Index

Short-term training includes :

  • Internships
  • Short courses (high level scientific stays)
  • Scientific leave (up to six (06) months)
  • Participation in scientific events

The categories concerned by the short courses are :

  • Professors
  • Non-salaried students enrolled in PhD (non-salaried PhD students)
  • Students enrolled in Master 2.
  • Administrative and technical staff of the university

Short courses

Short-term traineeships, enrolled in training programs of research institutions and organizations may be awarded up to the amount of the budgetary appropriations in this capacity at the operating establishment, after notification by the scientific council, for the benefit of research professors who justify:

  1. A PhD thesis registration.
  2. A work plan signed by the thesis director.
  3. A letter of welcome to a university or research institution abroad with high scientific and technological capabilities.


Professors and lecturers class "A" and "B", can benefit, after advice from the scientific councils, of a short-term internship (scientific stay of high level) of a duration ranging from seven (07) to thirty (30) days by presenting :

  1. A work plan.
  2. A welcome letter at a university or research institution abroad with high scientific and technological capabilities.

The application file for a short-term fellowship must be submitted at the departmental level.

The folder contains:

  1. An application for a short-term internship (nominative, signed) specifying the itinerary (plane journey) according to the model.
  2. A copy of the certificate of doctoral enrollment for the current academic year for assistant teacher, teachers class A and B.
  3. A work plan signed by the person concerned and co-signed by the thesis director for the teachers enrolled in the doctorate.
  4. A signed work plan for teachers of the grade Professor, Lecturer A and B.
  5. The original welcome letter (it will be returned to the beneficiary later).