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Limerick University Delegation Achieves Biskra University Visit with Recommendations of ELT Promotion

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The Limerick University Irish delegation yesterday achieved its working visit to Biskra
University that included university teachers training in English as a Medium of Instruction

in preparation for the introduction of English in higher education as mandated by the
Ministry of Higher Education. During the final meeting with the University Rector, Pr
Mahmoud Debabeche, and his deputies, the delegation presented a comprehensive report with
recommendations from the discussions and workshops, to be submit to the Ministry
supporting the national project to promote the teaching of English. The delegation also visited
the Letters and Languages Faculty English Department, received by the Faculty Dean, Mr
Ibrahim Kethiri, with officials and teachers, discussed the training programmes and listened to
suggestions to improve the educational process. In turn, the Irish delegation expressed their
gratitude for the hospitality and the organisation, praised the scientific level and the fruitful
discussions they had, stressing partnership is an important step for higher education in
Algeria. They also expressed their willingness to strengthen cooperation in the future in order
to achieve common goals to improve quality education and keep pace with global


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