PRFU 2018/2019


Project Head project members Rank Project Title Code and date of approval
Ben chouia toufik Boumaarafe rabia 'CP  'A Contribution to the modeling and control of the MADA dual feed machine in a wind turbine chain: theoretical and experimental study. A 01L07UN070120180010
Djdidi mohamed riadh PhD student
Chaabani mohamed essasi PhD student accreditation date: 2018/01/01
Benamor afaf PhD student
Salem hafsia PhD student
boualagha rabhi Ghamri ahmed 'CP  'A .Improvement of the Energy Quality in the Electric Networks by the integration of the Renewable sources A 01L07UN070120180009
Mohamdi mesaoud 'CP  'B
Khalefa djalel eddine PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Ben zehia ayoub PhD student
Lkhdari meftah PhD student
boumehrez mohamed Titaouine abdenasser professor .Supervision and Diagnosis of Real Time Faults in Electrical Machines A 01L08UN070120180002
Hasouna houda 'CP  'B
Dehina wissam PhD student accreditation date: 2018/01/01
Hamezi ouarda PhD student
Talli khaled PhD student
ben meddour mostapha Kraa okba 'CP  'B Supervision and Diagnosis of Real Time Faults in Electrical Machines A 01L07UN070120180001
Ghdbane hatem professor
amar hicham PhD student accreditation date: 2018/01/01
Boualam sasia PhD student
Oudhina soufiane PhD student
batka achour Charouf omar 'AP  'A Design, control and optimization of desalination systems associated with renewable energy sources A 01L07UN070120180014
Abdeayem sabrina 'CP  'A
Selali mehdi PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Boukhil fatima zahra PhD student
Mamir madiha PhD student
Neiimi djamai Salhi ahmed PhD student   A 01L07UN070120180008
Torki amel CP  'A
Salhi souhil PhD student accreditation date: 2018/01/01
Abdelouaheb nasira PhD student
Ben atia badis PhD student
 Arzeki Menaser Ben akcha abdelhamid professor Tolerant fault control of an AC electrical drive A 01L07UN070120180003
Azouk younes PhD student
Cherif hakima PhD student accreditation date: 2018/01/01
Harezelli imad addine PhD student
Maanani yacine PhD student
Toumi abida Torki nadjiba professor .Pursuit of objects in image sequences by evolutionary algorithms A 10N01UN070120180004
Batka abir PhD student
Hacani mohamed fouad PhD student accreditation date: 2018/01/01

Charef khoudja



PhD student
Touil djamel eddine PhD student
Khane mohamed lotfi Oloui lotfi professor Modeling of superconducting magnets, applications the field of electrical engineering. A 01L07UN070120180012
Rezigh mohamed 'AP  'A
Bacha habiba 'AP  'A accreditation date: 2018/01/01
Belkhiri saleh 'AP  'A
Ben mobarek fathi PhD student
Zitouni othmane Meghrbi ahmed chaouki 'CP  'A Development of deep learning applications in biometrics and telemonitoring A 10N01UN070120180005
Bounab yazid PhD student
Kouizi fatima PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Houhou ihsen PhD student
ELhani djenihi PhD student
Abdou latifa Haseni seif elislam PhD student The intelligent control of robots to the services of agriculture A 01L08UN070120180003
Manfoukh khaoula PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Meftah kamel Karbai saleh 'CP  'B Modeling and optimization of the mechanical behavior of matsriaux and structures. A 11N01UN070120180001
Djabe allah said 'AP  'B'
Iyadi ayoub PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Djhara housem PhD student
Zidani mesbah Mesaoudi salim 'CP  'B Study of the microstructural and mechanical behavior of soft, semi-hard and hard steel wires industrially drawn by TREFISOUD A 11N01UN070120180008
Fareh hichem 'CP  'A
Kaysarane bouzidi ahmed PhD student accreditation date: 2018/01/01
Nabar mohamed chaouki PhD student
Djimaoui toufik PhD student
Ben tarrah hamza Djaleb mounir 'AP  'A .Use of plants living in arid and semi-arid environments as ecological corrosion inhibitors A 24N01UN070120180001
Taoui hichem PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Sedira lakhdar Beribech Abdelatife 'CP  'B Contribution to the micro-mechanical homogenization of composite materials with random reinforcement A 11N01UN070120180002
CHouarfia Samir PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Tidjani Mohcen PhD student
Belghar nour eddine Mesaoudi Isam 'AP  'A' Improvement of the naturalistic exchanges for the use of nanotechnology A 11N01UN070120180003
Chadeli Kamel PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Ben chabaane adel Maseri Tahar 'AP  'A' Adaptation of adsorption refrigeration plants to Saharan regions, use of natural resources A 11N01UN070120180004
Alemi Kanza 'CP  'B
Rouag Amar 'AP  'B' accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Melhekak Mohamec amine PhD student
Maleti Ahlem PhD student 
Youcef layla Gharegazi Saadia professor Possibilities for the removal of heavy metals by physicochemical processes A17N01UN070120180001
Ouakouak Abde kader 'CP  'B
Youcef Soufiane PhD student accreditation date: 2018/01/01
Ben alia mohamed cherif PhD student
Bouaziz Mohamed Rerisi PhD student
Remadhna mohamed sadek Debabi imad eddine PhD student Calculation of the limit load of geotechnical structures in ground-structure interaction by numerical approach A 01L02UN070120180002
Chaabani oualid PhD student accreditation date: 2018/01/01
Bouaziz Ahmed Abdelaziz Salim PhD student   A 01L02UN070120180001
Baghdadi djasem PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Ghatala abdelhamid Izemourene warda 'CP  'B Valorisation of local materials in construction A 01L02UN070120180004
Taalah  Bachir 'CP  'A
Khoudja deif allah PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Zaidi amine PhD student
Mabrouki abdelhak Elabed Mohamed 'AP  'A' Numerical study of the stability and the lift of soils reinforced by geosynthetics and vertical inclusions A 01L02UN070120180004
Mellas Meki professor
Boumekik nour eliselem PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Boukofa Imen PhD student
Berahemi Narimene PhD student
Merzoughi abdelkarim Heceine Abdelmalek PhD student   A16N01UN070120180001
Elayadhi djmoui 'CP  'B
Boumaza Noureddine 'AP  'A' accreditation date: 2018/01/01
Reghab soulimane PhD student
Othmani Khaded PhD student
Siriti layla Laterech Sihem PhD student The referential contribution of vernacular human settlements to assist the production of a locally located and climatically efficient residential architecture: the example of the ziban ksour (Biskra) N00N01UN070120180001
Khadhraoui Mohamed Amine PhD student
Othmani Wafa PhD student accreditation date : 2018/01/01
Kihoul Ahmed PhD student
Boumerzough Adel PhD student


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