ST common trunk

Presentation :


The common core ST manages the common base of the specialties of the field Science and Technology (S.T) D011. The studies of the common core last 04 semesters composed of fundamental units, methodological, of discovery and transversal. In the 4th semester, the student starts specialized subjects related to his orientation in specialty.

The core curriculum aims to provide basic training, common to all specializations. The training thus enables each student to develop the scientific and human qualities required to pursue higher education and to gain autonomy in his work.

In terms of student enrollment, the core curriculum has the highest number of students in the faculty for the 2017/2018 academic year:

1st year S.T: 1342 students (4 sections of 36 groups)

2nd year S.T: 1099 students (3 sections of 28 groups)

We have 56 guests and no members online

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07000 Biskra, Algeria

Tél : 033 54 31 60 

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