The International Master in South European Studies (EUROSUD) is unique in examining Southern Europe as a distinct region with its own identity and global role. EUROSUD is a multi-disciplinary Master programme with six partners (Glasgow, Madrid, Aix-Marseille, Rome, Athens, Lisbon) over two years.
The programme is taught over 24 months and includes three mobility periods. Semester 1: overview of the subject in Glasgow, followed by a choice of mobility partner in semester 2 (Athens or Madrid). In semester 3: choice of four thematic pathways along the research track in Athens, Madrid, Aix-en-Provence or Rome.
The Fondation Universitaire A*MIDEX is offering in 2019 a scholarship to one well qualified applicant who chooses to spend his third mobility period with Aix-Marseille Université. The A*MIDEX scholarship includes
• 100% tuition fee waiver at the standard Home/EU or International rate
• a monthly subsistence allowance of 20.000€ to be paid in instalments of 1,000€ across 20 months.
8 February 2019: Deadline for ALL scholarship applications
EUROSUD website:
More info on the A*MIDEX scholarship:…/er…/eurosud/scholarships/additional/
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Téthys Consortium des Universités Euro-Méditerranéennes
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Adresse : Aix-Marseille Université - 29 avenue Robert Schuman- 13621 Aix-en-Provence
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