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Cooperation and Partnership Agreement of Biskra University with Mosaique Association for Arts, Culture and Heritage Preservation of Biskra Wilaya

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On Wednesday morning, April 17, 2024, Biskra University witnessed the signing ceremony of a partnership and cooperation agreement with the Mosaique Association for Arts, Cultureand Heritage Preservation in Biskra, run by the University Rector Mr. Mahmoud Debabeche,and university executives and officials, the President of the Association, Mr. Mohamed Slimani and his members. It is to tie cooperation and partnership between the Association and Biskra University to developing cultural and artistic events in the university environment, the training of students, in addition to participating in enriching the university library with various books and documents, and to enable students to carry out their research on those matters.

The agreement also allows members of the association to participate as guests in discussions of master's notes and doctoral theses in various disciplines. During the signing ceremony the University Rector stressed on this cooperation relevance, pointing to the university's role in enriching collective activities, recalling Biskra University endeavours at strengthening partnerships, expressing full readiness to achieve desired goals. Then, the Association president gave an overview about the Association and its participation in exhibitions and salons to introduce the heritage and history of the Biskra Wilaya, appreciating at the same time the cooperation with the university. The attendees pledged the strong impetus yielded in light of this agreement.


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