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Biskra University partnership agreement with Huawei ICT Academies

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To build strategic partnerships for technical and economic development, Biskra University
Rector, Mahmoud Debabeche, signed on April 27, 2024, at Ouargla University, a partnership
agreement with Huawei Global for Excellence Academies in Information and Communication
Technology. The East Universities Regional Conference Director, Mohamed Hadi Latrache
attended the event with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
representative. Mr. Liu Chengcheng, Deputy General Manager of Huawei Algeria Company
signed the agreement with 12 Algerian university institutions. The contract embodies the
Ministry’s commitment with Huawei to train and expose Algerian talented students to the
latest information and communication technologies, to provide the needed skills of
specialized technical educational programmes for technology industry success, of innovation
and scientific research. It aims also to ensure training and cooperation in research projects for
sustainable development to improving the quality of life and socio-economic development.




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