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النظام الوطني للتوثيق الإلكتروني

Système National de Documentation en Ligne

C Internationales 3




Omar CHARROUF, A. BETKA, “Optimization of reverse osmosis desalination system driven by wind energy conversion system” in Proceedings of the ICRE2012 (2nd International Conference On Renewable Energy), April. 15-17, 2012. Béjaia, Algeria


Omar CHARROUF , A. BETKA, “Optimization of wind pumping system” in Proceedings of ICEECA’2012 (The First International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications), Nov 20-22, 2012, Khenchela, Algeria.


Mourad Tiar, Pr: Achour Betka, Pr: Said Drid, Ridha cheikh, “Modeling and Control of a Hybrid Generation System Using Energy Storage System”, International Conference on Power electronics and applications 6-7 November 2013 (ICPEA) University, Djelfa - Algeria.


Mourad Tiar, Pr:Achour Betka,  Pr: Said Drid, Ridha cheikh, “Fuzzy logic control of stand-alone photovoltaic system using a Backstepping Control Strategy of Inverter”, 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Electronics, Electrical AND Automatic November 26-27, 2013, ENP, Oran, Algeria


Mourad Tiar, Pr:Achour Betka, Pr: Said Drid, “Backstepping Control Strategy Hybrid Generation System Based on a Photovoltaic Array and a Fuel Cell ”, First International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEB’ December 07-08, 2014 Biskra, Algeria.


Omar CHARROUF, A.BETKA ,A. GOLEA, “Performance optimization of photovoltaic reverse osmosis desalination system”, in Proceedings of ICEE’2014(The First International Conference on Electrical Engineering), Dec 07-08, 2014, Biskra, Algeria.


A. Salhi, D. Naimi and T. Bouktir, "Resolution of Economic Dispatch Problem considering Wind Power Penetration Planning", International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy (IRSEC), Ouarzazate Morocco, 17-19 Oct. 2014, pp. 395 – 400. (IEEE conference Publication), http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=7059911


S. Ouchen, A. Betka, J. P. Gaubert, S. Abdeddaim, and F. Mazouz, “Fuzzy-Direct Power Control of a Grid Connected Photovoltaic System Associate with Shunt Active Power Filter,” in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, 2017.


M. Sellali, A. Betka, S. Abdedaim, and S. Ouchen, “Implementation of a Real-Time Energy Management Consisting of a Battery and a Supercapacitor,” in 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2017.


S. Ouchen, J. P. Gaubert, A. Betka, and S. Abdeddaim, “Predictive Direct Power Control Based On Disturbance Rejection Principle For Three-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Under Different Voltage Conditions,” in Electrimacs, 2017, no. July, pp. 2–7.


S. Ouchen, A. Betka, J. P. Gaubert, and S. Abdeddaim, “Simulation and Practical Implementation of Direct Power Control Applied on PWM Rectifier,” in 6th International Conference on Systems and Control, University of Batna 2, Batna, Algeria, 2017, pp. 567–571.


Sabir Ouchen Heinrich Steinhart Mohamed Benbouzid Frede Blaabjerg Achour Betka, ‘Dynamic Performance Improvement of Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Using Predictive Direct Power Control, 2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe).


S. Abdeddaim, A. Betka, O.Charouf, M. Becherif, “Second order sliding power control and optimal tracking of the dfig wind turbine” ICEREGA 18, Souce, Tunisie.


O.Charouf, A. Betka, S. Abdeddaim, M.Becherif “artificial neural network power manager for hybrid  pv-wind desalination system” ICEREGA 18, Souce, Tunisie


M.Maamir, A. Betka, O.Charouf, M.Becherif “Neural network power management for hybrid electric elevator application” ICEREGA 18, Souce, Tunisie.


Sabir Ouchen ; Heinrich Steinhart ; Mohamed Benbouzid ; Frede Blaabjerg ; Achour Betka  « Dynamic Performance Improvement of Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Using Predictive Direct Power Control,” 2018 20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'18 ECCE Europe).


M.Sellali, A.Betka, S.Drid, S.Abdedaim, S.E.Zouzou and M.Becherif “H infinity-Back stepping control implementation of battery/super capacitor for electric vehicles” International conference on energy and renewable energy, October 28-30, 2018 Sousse, Tunisie.


Sabir Ouchen Heinrich Steinhart Jean-Paul Gaubert Frede Blaabjerg Achour Betka,’ Simulation and Real Time Implementation of Direct Power Control Applied to Parallel Active Filtering Based on Fuzzy Logic Controller, 2018 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC)


Sellali. Mehdi A. Betka S. Drid A. Djerdir M. Tiar S. Abdedaim, ‘Implementation of new adaptive power-split management strategy in a battery-super capacitor electric vehicle, 2018 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM)


M.Tiar, A.Betka, M.Sellali, S.Drid., ‘Implementation of the Power Management based on a Fuzzy Logic for a Hybrid PV/Fuel Cell Generation System’, International Conference on Emerging and Renewable Energy: Generation and Automation (ICEREGA), 29-31, 2018, Sousse, Tunisia


M.Tiar, A.Betka, M.Sellali, S.Drid “Implementation of the Power Management based on a Fuzzy Logic for a Hybrid PV/Fuel Cell Generation System’”International conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEEB’19, Biskra, December 1, 2 , 2018.


Sabir Ouchen;Heinrich Steinhart;Frede Blaabjerg;Mohamed Benbouzid;Achour Betka;Jean Paul Gaubert, ‘Performance Analysis of Direct Power Control with Space Vector Modulation for Shunt Active Power Filter, IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbone 14-17 Oct.2019


F.Boukahil, S. Abdeddaim, O.Charrouf, ‘Comparative study between the vector control with PI regulator and second order sliding mode for speed control to improve the electrical performance of the PMSM’, International conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEEB’19, Biskra, December 1, 2 , 2019.


Laboratoire de Génie Electrique, BISKRA (LGEB ).. Directeur du Laboratoire Pr: ZOUZOU Salah-Eddine

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