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النظام الوطني للتوثيق الإلكتروني

Système National de Documentation en Ligne

C Internationales 1






Arezki Menacer, Sandrine Moreau, Gérard Champenois, Abdelhamid Benakcha,  Mohamed Said Nait Said, " Experimental Detection of Rotor Failures of Induction Machines by Stator Current Spectrum Analysis in Function of the Broken Rotor Bars Position and the Load", Eurocon, Proceedings of The international Conference on Computer as a tool, September 9-12, 2007, Warsaw-Poland


Arezki Menacer, Sandrine Moreau, Gérard Champenois, Abdelhamid Benakcha,  Mohamed Said Nait Said, "Rotor Failures Diagnosis of Induction Machines by Current or Voltage Spectrum Analysis in Function of the Type of Feeding and the Load", IET, Colloquiun On  Reability in Electromagnetic Systems.Preliminary May 2007, Paris, France. (http://www.iee.org/Events/ReliabilityProg.pdf)


Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, Messaoudi Boufateh, "Utilisation du contrôle directe du flux statorique et du filtre de Kalman en vue du contrôle direct du couple d'une machine à induction", 3rd International  Conference on Electrical Engineering, May 19-21 2009, Algiers,  Algeria, Proceeding of The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE’ 09, Algiers, May 2009


Azzouz TAMAARAT, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA,  Arezki MENACER, " Modélisation d'une chaine de conversion basée sur une machine asynchrone à double alimentation", 4ème Conférence Internationale sur l'Electrotechnique ICEL'09. 10-11 novembre 2009, Oran, Algerie



Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, Messaoudi Boufateh, " Utilisation du contrôle directe du flux statorique et du filtre de Kalman en vue du contrôle direct du couple d'une machine à induction", 3rd International  Conference on Electrical Engineering, May 19-21 2009, Algiers


Azzouz TAMAARAT, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA,  Arezki MENACER, "Commande des puissances active et réactive dans une chaine de conversion basée sur une machine asynchrone à double alimentation", 1ère Conférence Internationale sur les Énergies, Matériaux et Environnement, CIEME 09, 21 et 22 Novembre 2009, Khemis Meliana Algerie



Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, "Model Based Broken Rotor Bar Detection Using DTC Driven Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Stator Current Spectrum" The 6th International Conference on Electrical Systems and Automatic Control, Control, JTEA’2010. March 26-28, 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia



Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, " Fault Detection of Broken Rotor Bars Using Stator Current Spectrum for Induction Motor Controlled by Direct Torque Control", ASET 2010, PARIS, JUNE 28-30, 2010, http://www.waset.org/   



 Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, "Rotor’s Model taking account the faults for the Direct Torque Control Induction Motor", 18th MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON CONTROL AND AUTOMATION, June 23-25 2010 Marrakech – Morocco.



Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, " Extended Kalman Filter Detection of the Rotor Broken Bar for the Induction Motor controlled by Direct Torque Control", 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering 11- 13 October 2010, Batna, pp 188-193.



Redha Cheikh, Said DRID, Arezki. Menacer, "The Doubly Fed Induction Generator Powers flow Control in Variable Speed", 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering 11- 13 October 2010, Batna, pp 432-436.



Azouz TAMARAT, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, Arezki MENACER , "Commande des Puissances Active et Réactive dans d’une Chaîne de Conversion basée sur une Machine Asynchrone à Double Alimentation", 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering 11- 13 October 2010, Batna, pp 432-436.



Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, "Model Based Broken Rotor Bar Detection Using DTC Driven Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Stator Current Spectrum" 6th International Conference on Electrical Systems and Automatic Control, Control, JTEA’2010. March 26-28, 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia


Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, "Rotor’s Model taking account the faults for the Direct Torque Control Induction Motor", 18th MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON CONTROL AND AUTOMATION, June 23-25 2010 Marrakech – Morocco.


R. Cheikh, S. Drid, A. Menacer, "The Doubly Fed Induction Generator Powers Flow Control in Variable Speed".6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, CEE’10, Oct., Batna, Algeria, 2010. pp 432-436


Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, "Extended Kalman Filter Detection of the Rotor Broken Bar for the Induction Motor controlled by Direct Torque Control", 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, CEE’10, Oct., 11- 13 Batna, Algeria, 2010, pp 188-193.


Azouz TAMARAT, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, Arezki MENACER, "Commande des Puissances Active et Réactive dans une Chaîne de Conversion basée sur une Machine Asynchrone à Double Alimentation", 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, CEE’10, Oct., Batna, Algeria, 2010, pp 432-436


Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, "Model Based Broken Rotor Bar Detection Using DTC Driven Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Stator Current Spectrum" The 6th International Conference on Electrical Systems and Automatic Control, Control, JTEA’2010. March 26.


KECHIDA Ridha, Arezki MENACER, "Contrôle Direct du Couple d’une Machine Asynchrone Présentant un Défaut Rotorique", 1er Séminaire National sur le Génie Electrique Appliqué aux Energies Renouvelables GEAER '10, Chlef, Algérie Janvier 27-28 2010. http://www.univ-chlef.dz



Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, Abdelhamid Benakcha, "Fault Detection of Broken Rotor Bars Using Stator Current Spectrum for Induction Motor Controlled by Direct Torque Control", WASET 2010, PARIS, JUNE 28-30, 2010, http://www.waset.org/


Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, “Application of the Wavelet Transform for the Fault Detection in Induction Motors Using Transient Stator Current Signal“, ELECO® 2011, 7th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on. ELECTRICAL and ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING, Bursa, TURKEY, 1-4. December 2011


Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, “DWT Wavelet Transform for the Rotor Bars Faults Detection in Induction Motor”, The 2nd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems American University of Sharjah, UAE  November 15-17, 2011


Samir MERADI, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, Arezki MENACER, "Fault diagnosis for induction motor rotor broken bar based on the comparative analysis of classical and fuzzy PI regulators for the indirect field oriented control",  2ème Colloque National sur l’Inductique CNI’02- 2011: Application de l’induction Electromagnétique, CNI’02-2011, Bejaia


Menacer Arezki, Kechida Redha and all "Application of the Fourier and the Wavelet Transform for the Fault Detection in Induction Motors at the Startup Electromagnetic Torque", 8th IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Drives, SDEMPED 2011, Bologna,Italy September 5-8, 2011


H. Talhaoui, A. Menacer, R. Kechida, “Rotor Fault Detection in sliding Mode Control Induction Motor Using FFT and Discrete Wavelet Transform”, CEE2012, Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Electrical Engineering 8- 10 October 2012, pp 128-134


Beleulmi S., Bellaouar A., Benidir M., Chaib R. Bensalem A.: « Reliability modeling of Transport Systems: Influence of the Running-in Period of Life». CSM8-ISM5 International Conference, 28-30 May 2012, Beirut. Lebanon, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1875389214000741


R.Kechida, A.Menacer,H.Talhaoui, «Application of Fourier and Discrete Wavelet Transform for Detection of Stator and Rotor Faults in Induction Motors,7thInternational Conference on Electrical Engineering 8-10 october 2012.


H. Talhaoui, A. Menacer, R. Kechida, " Rotor Resistance Estimation using EKF for the Rotor Fault Diagnosis in Sliding Mode Control Induction Motor", 3rd International Conference on Systems and Control, October 29-31, 2013, Algiers, Algeria, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=6750833


Ridha Cheikh, Hocine Belmili, Said DRID, Arezki. Menacer, Mourad TIAR, "Fuzzy Logic Control Algorithm of Grid Connected Doubly Fed Induction Generator driven by Vertical Axis Wind Turbine in Variable Speed "3rd International Conference on Systems and Control, October 29-31, 2013, Algiers, Algeria, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=6750896


Abderrahmane Khemis, Kheirreddine Chafaaj Arezki Menacer “Application de la logique floue type-1 à la commande adaptative de la machine asynchrone“, The INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS & OIL: FROM THEORY TO APPLICATIONS March 05-06, 2013, Ouargla,


Aoufi Ahmed and Bourek Amor “Control without speed sensor using two sliding observers for induction  machine drive” ,5th international conference on electrical energy icel’13 october 10-11th 2013 Oran-Algeria.


S. Zerouali, A. Hadri Hamida, S.M. Mimoun, A. Allag, A. Bensalem: “Adaptive Control with Tuning Function Control Design Applied to Class-E/F Inverter”. The 3rd International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS’13), Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, TURKEY , October 2-4, 2013, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=6713033


A. Ksentini, E. Azzag, A. Bensalem: “Management and optimization of multiple sources of power in autonomous grid”. CIER’13. 15-17 Décembre 2013 - Sousse, Tunisie.


A. Ksentini, E. Azzag, A. Bensalem: “ Analyse de la gestion des sources multiples pour un réseau électrique autonome”. CIMGLE’13. 13-15 Novembre 2013. Montreuil, France.


Abdelhamid ksentini, El.Bahi azzag, Ahmed bensalem , « Management and Optimization of multiple sources to power an autonomous grid », Conférence Internationale des Energies Renouvelables (CIER’13),Copyright IPCO-2014, Vol .2, ISSN :2356-5608 Décembre 15 – 17, 2013 – Sousse, Tunisia.


Ammar Abdelkarim, Bourek Amor and Benakcha Abdelhamid, “ Improved direct torque control of induction motor using space vector modulation. “Third International conference on information, processing and electrical engineering,  November 24-25  2014  Tebessa Algeria,



H. Talhaoui, A. Menacer, R. Kechida, "Mixed Eccentricity Fault Diagnostic in sliding Mode Control Induction Motor Using FFT and DWT Technique"¸ Third International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Manifacturing, 2014,


H. Talhaoui, A. Menacer, A. Kessal, R. Kechida , "Diagnosis of a Mixed Eccentricity fault in a Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Using FFT and DWT Transform",  1st International Conference on Electrical engineering, ICEEB'14,  December 07-08, 2014, Biskra, Algeria


H.Cherif , A. Menacer , B. Bessam, "Fast Fourier and Discrete Wavelet Transforms for Stator inter turn short circuit and Stator Voltage Unbalance Faults Diagnosis" , 1st International Conference on Electrical engineering, ICEEB'14,  December 07-08, 2014, Biskra, Algeria


Ridha Kechida ,Arezki Menacer, Hicham Talhaoui,"Fourier Transform for Broken Rotor Bars Fault Detection in Induction Motors: Simulation and Experimentally Study",1st International Conference on Electrical engineering, ICEEB'14,  December 07


Abdelhamid Ksentini, Ahmed  Bensalem, El-Bahi Azzag, K Allali « Management of a  system  multi-source  energy  to  power  an  electrical network  in  southern Algeria», 2nd international conference on Electrical Engineering (CEE’2014), Novembre16‐17, 2014, Batna, Algeria.


Abdelhamid Ksentini ,El-Bahi Azzag , Ahmed Bensalem, « Variation  and  the  influence  of  the pitch  angle  of  the  rotational  speed  of  the wind turbine», The Second International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Control Applications (ICEECA’2014), November 18-20, 2014,Constantine, Algeria.


Abdelhamid Ksentini, El.Bahi azzag, A Bensalem, K Allali « Management and control of multiple sources for the supply of an electrical network to the Algerian South», 2nd international conference on electrical energy and systems ICEES, October 28‐30, 2014, Annaba, Algeria .


Abdelhamid Ksentini, El-Bahi Azzag, Ahmed Bensalem, Imene Touaїbia and Nardjés Ouahab « Analysis and Control of a wind-diesel system twinning powering a local charge » Conférence Internationale des Energies Renouvelables. 19-21 Décembre 2014 Monastir, Tunisie.


Abdelhamid Ksentini, Ahmed  Bensalem, El-Bahi Azzag, K Allali « Management of a  system  multi-source  energy  to  power  an  electrical network  in  southern Algeria», 2nd international conference on Electrical Engineering (CEE’2014), Novembre16‐17, 2014, Batna, Algeria.


H.Cherif, A. Menacer , B. Bessam, " Diagnosis of stator inter turns short circuit and stator voltage unbalance fault using fast fourier and discrete wavelet transforms" , 2nd International Conference on Power Electronics and their Application (ICPEA),Djelfa on March 29-30,2015,Algeria.


B. Bessam, A. Menacer, M. Boumahrez, H.CHerif, "DWT and Hilbert Transform for Broken Rotor Bar Fault Diagnosis in Induction Machine at Low Load", International Conference Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability, TMREES14, 17th – 20th, April 2015, Beirut, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610215015374


B. Bessam, A. Menacer, M. Boumahrez, H.CHerif, "A Novel Method for Induction Motors Stator Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault Diagnosis based on Wavelet Energy and Neural Network", 10th IEEE International Sumposium on Diagnostic for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, SDEMPED 2015 - GUARDA, PORTUGAL, SEPTEMBER 1-4, 2015, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=7303682


H.Cherif, A. Menacer,  B. Bessam, R. Kechida, " Stator inter turn fault detection using discrete wavelet transform", 10th IEEE International Sumposium on Diagnostic for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, SDEMPED 2015 - GUARDA, PORTUGAL, SEPTEMBER 1-4, 2015.


H.Talhaoui, A. Menacer, R. Kechida , "Mixed Eccentricity Fault Diagnosis in the Sensorless Field Oriented Control Induction Motor Using DWT Technique", 10th IEEE International Sumposium on Diagnostic for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, SDEMPED 2015 - GUARDA, PORTUGAL, SEPTEMBER 1-4, 2015, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=7303675


R. Kechida, A. Menacer, H.Talhaoui, « Discrete Wavelet Transform for Stator Fault Detection in induction Motors»"10th IEEE International Sumposium on Diagnostic for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, SDEMPED 2015 - GUARDA, PORTUGAL, SEPTEMBER 1-4, 2015, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=7303675


Ammar Abdelkarim, Bourek Amor and Benakcha Abdelhamid“High performance direct torque control of induction motor based on space vector modulation and fuzzy logic controller for speed regulation”,

 First International conference ICEEB’14  December 08- 09 Biskra  Algeria,


Ammar Abdelkarim, Bourek Amor and Benakcha Abdelhamid , “Implementation of sensorless direct torque control of induction motor using Sliding mode observer”International conference on automatic,telecommunication and signals (ICATS’2015) November16-18. Annaba- Algeria.

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abdelkarim_Ammar3/publication/284019891_ Implementation_of_Sensorless_Direct_Torque_Control_of_Induction_ Motor_Using_Sliding_Mode_Observer/links/564af30308ae295f64507120.pdf


Bennour Cherif, Amor Bourek,  “SMC of doubly fed induction machine used in wind system connected to the grid ‘’, 2nd International conference on Automatic and mecatronic(CIAM’2015)  November 10-11



Ammar Abdelkarim, Bourek Amor and Benakcha Abdelhamid, “ Direct Torque Control of Sensorless Induction Motor Based on Space Vector modulation and Sliding Mode Flux Observer “, 9th International Conference on Electricel ane electronics Engineering ELECO’2015  November 26-28 Turkey,


Abdelkarim AMMAR, Amor BOUREK, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, «High performance Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Based on Space Verctor Modulation and Fuzzy Logic Controller for speed Regulation »First International Conference on Electrical Engineering ICEEB’14,December 07-08,2014, BISKRA, ALGERIA


Abdelkarim AMMAR, Amor BOUREK, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, «Improved Direct TorqueControl of induction Motor Using Space Vector Modulation» 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Electrical Engineering (ICIPEE’14),November 24-25,2014,TEBESSA, ALGERIA,





Abdelkarim AMMAR, Amor BOUREK, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, «Direct Torque Control of Sensorless Induction Motor Based on Space Vector modulation and Sliding Mode Flux Observer”


Web site: http://www.eleco.org.tr


Abdelkarim AMMAR, Amor BOUREK, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, ‘’Implementation of Sensorless

Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Using Sliding Mode Observer’’, International Conference on Automatic Control, Telecommunications and Signals (ICATS'15) November 16-18, 2015, Annaba, ALGERIA, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abdelkarim_Ammar3/publication/284019891_Implementation




H. CHerif , A. MenacerB. Bessam, R. Kechida "Inter turn and voltage unbalance fault detection in induction machine using FFT and DWT", 9ème Conférence sur le Génie Electrique, Bordj El Bahri, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, 14 -15 Avril 2015, Alger


Tarek Ameid, Arezki Menacer, Hicham Talhaoui, Imadeddine Harzelli "Estimation de la Résistance Rotorique par le Filtre de Kalman Etendu en vue du Diagnostic du Défaut Rotorique de la Machine Asynchrone à Cage Commandée Vectoriellement", 9th International Electrical Engineering Conference, CEE'2016, October 02th, 03th and 04th, Batna 2016.


H. CHerif, A. Menacer, Zied DRISS, "DWT analysis for inter turn stator fault with load variation", 2rd international Conference on Mechanics and Energy, ICME2016, December 22-24 2016, Hammamae, Tunisia.


I. Harzelli, A. Menacer, T. Ameid, "Nonlinear High Gain Observer Design Applied To   Input-Output Feedback Linearizing Control And Field Oriented Control For Induction Motor At Healthy State", The 9th International Electrical Engineering Conference, CEE'2016, October 02th, 03th and 04th, Batna 2016.


I. Harzelli, A. Menacer, T. Ameid, "Commande à faible vitesse par linéarisation entrée-sortie sans capteur associée à un observateur à grand gain d’un moteur à induction", 9th International Electrical Engineering Conference, CEE'2016, October 02th, 03th and 04th, Batna 2016


H. Cherif, A. Menacer, R. Romary, R. Pusca, ″Dispersion field analysis using Discrete Wavelet Transform for inter-turn stator fault detection in Induction Motors″, 11th IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives,  SDEMPED 2017, Tinos, Greece


Ridha CHEIKH, MENACER Arezki, Hocine Belmili, ″Transient Behavior Analysis for a 2MW Grid-Connected DFIG-based WECS under Partial Symmetrical Voltage Dips″, 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCCCE), Manama, Bahrain: 8-11 May 2017.


Tarek Ameid, Arezki Menacer, Hicham Talhaoui, Imadeddine Harzelli, Abdelkarim Ammar, ″Backstepping Control for Induction Motor Drive Using Reduced Model in Healthy State: Simulation and Experimental Study″, 6th International Conference on Systems and Control, ICSC'17, 07-09 May 2017, Batna.


T. AMEID, A. MENACER, H. Talhaoui, A. AMMAR, Y. AZZOUG, ″Sensorless Backstepping Control of Induction Motor Drive Using Model Reference Adaptive System″, The 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering–Boumerdes (ICEE-B) October 29-31, 2017, Boumerdes, Algeria.



Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, Hicham Talhaoui, ″Discrete Wavelet Analysis for Stator Inter Short Circuit Faults Detection in Induction Machine″ The Second International Conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics, ICAAID 2017 16-17 SEPTEMBER 2017, Djelfa


T. AMEID, A. MENACER, H. TALHAOUI, A. AMMAR and Y. AZZOUG, ″Experimental Implementation of Sensorless Vector Control for IM Drive Using EKF Observer and Fuzzy Logic Controller″, The Second International Conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics, ICAAID 2017 16-17 SEPTEMBER 2017, Djelfa.



T. AMEID, A. MENACER, R. Romary, R. Pusca, Hicham Talhaoui, ″DWT for Rotor Bars Fault Detection Applied to Backstepping Control Induction Motor Drive in Low-Speed″, 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) focusing on industrial and manufacturing theory and applications, IECON 2017, October 29 – November 1, 2017, china.




Y. MAANANI, A. MENACER, I.Harzelli, S. Zouzou, ″Stator faut detection for the input ouput control of the permanent magnet synchronous motor″, International Conference on Engineering Technologies  ICENTE’17, Dec 07-09, 2017, Konya, Turkey



Y. MAANANI, A. MENACER, I.Harzelli, S. Zouzou, ″Comparative study between sensorless vector control and nonlinear control for PMSM based on extended Kalman EKF″, International Conference on Engineering Technologies  ICENTE’17, Dec 07-09, 2017, Konya, Turkey


Y. AZZOUG, A. MENACER, T. AMEID, H. Cherif, ″Etude Expérimentale du Diagnostic des Défauts Statoriques et Rotoriques de la Machine à Induction en Boucle Ouverte en utilisant la Transformé de Fourier″, International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical Engineering 2017, Skikda




B. Bessam, A. Menacer, L. Chrifi-Alaoui, H. CHerif, "Detection of inter-turn short-circuit in Induction motors using DWT at startup electromagnetic torque", Conference: Proceedings of the 2016 5th International Conference on Systems and Control, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco, May 25-27, 2016, At Marrakesh, Morocco.


H. CHerif , A. MenacerL. Chrifi-AlaouiB. Bessam, "Effect of the load for the inter turn stator fault analysis using discrete wavelet transform", Conference: Proceedings of the 2016 5th International Conference on Systems and Control, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco, May 25-27, 2016,  Marrakesh, Morocco



Tarek Ameid, Arezki Menacer, Hicham Talhaoui, Imadeddine Harzelli and Abdelkarim Ammar, "Simulation and real-time implementation of sensorless field oriented control of induction motor at healthy state using rotor cage model and EKF", 8th International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2016), November  15-17, 2016. Algiers, pp 695-700 DOI: 10.1109/ICMIC.2016.7804201



Y. AZZOUG, A. MENACER, R. Romary, R. Pusca, T. AMEID Etude et Implantation Expérimentale de la Commande Vectorielle Sans Capteurs de Courant d'un Moteur  Induction à Base d'un Observateur Adaptatif Symposium de Génie Electrique, Nancy –France, les 3, 4 et 5 juillet 2018.


Abdelkarim AMMAR, Aissa KHELDOUN, Brahim METIDJI, Billel TALBI, Tarek AMEID, Younes AZZOUG “An Experimental Assessment of Direct Torque Control and Model Predictive Control Methods for Induction Machine Drive”,


Abdelkarim AMMAR, Tarek AMEID, Younes AZZOUG, Abderrahim ZEMMIT, Amor BOUREK and Abdelhmid BENAKCHA

“Sensorless MRAS-Based Predictive Torque Control for Induction Motor Drive with Load Disturbance Observer” ICEEB’18, (Biskra, 2018)


Abdelkarim AMMAR, Tarek AMEID, Younes AZZOUG, Aissa KHELDOUN, Brahim METIDJI

 “Implementation of Sliding Mode Based-Direct Flux and Torque Control for Induction Motor Drive with Efficiency Optimization”

978-1-7281-2220-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE


Abdelkarim AMMAR, Tarek AMEID, Younes AZZOUG, Aissa KHELDOUN, Brahim METIDJI

“Efficiency Improvement of Robust-Direct Torque Control for An Induction Motor Drive”

The 4th International Conference on Power Electronics and their Applications (ICPEA), 25-27 September 2019, Elazig, Turkey

     978-1-7281-2726-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE


Abdelkarim AMMAR,  Aissa KHELDOUN, Brahim METIDJI, Amor BOUREK and Abdelhamid BENAKCHA Design and Implementation of Robust Feedback Linearization for Induction Motor Flux and Torque Control Using Super Twisting Algorithm

The First International Conference on Materials, Environment, Mechanical and Industrial Systems ICMEMIS’19.


Laboratoire de Génie Electrique, BISKRA (LGEB ).. Directeur du Laboratoire Pr: ZOUZOU Salah-Eddine

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