To promote academic research and the legal system development in Algeria, , the Law and
Political Science Faculty, Biskra University hosted on 4 December a national forum on;The
mechanism of the defence of unconstitutionality in Algeria”organised by the Laboratory of
Rights and Freedoms in Comparative Systems, with Biskra Judicial Council and the Wilaya
Administrative Court. Prominent academic and legal figures attended the forum including the
of the University Rector, Pr Mahmoud Debabeche, Pr Abderaouf Debabeche, the Law and
Political Sciences Faculty Dean, Biskra Judicial Council President, Mr El-Aid Boukhobza,
the Administrative Court President, Mr Abdelmadjid Khalfouni, the Constitutional Court
member, Pr Ammar Boudiaf, and Biskra Bar Association representative. Biskra University
executives and officials with faculty teachers and students also attended the event given its
scientific character. This symposium aims to shed light on the unconstitutionality mechanism
defence approved by Organic Law No. 22-19. The speakers emphasised that this mechanism
strengthens legal security and guarantees rights and freedoms for individuals to texts violating
the Constitution.
During the opening session, the Chairman of the Forum, Professor Nesigha Faisal, pointed out
the theoretical and practical aspects of judicial practices to enhance the understanding of the
procedures of unconstitutionality to the stages of referral to the State Council or the Supreme
Court. In his statement, the University Rector praised the forum’s organisation as an effective
partnership of legal development in serving the community. In his turn, Biskra Administrative
Court President stressed the importance of this mechanism in strengthening the
implementation of constitutional justice. Biskra Judicial Council President reviewed the
evolution of legal texts in this field to keep pace with global developments. Pr Ammar
Boudiaf presented “The mechanism of the defence of unconstitutionality in the Algerian
Experience”, which entailed constructive discussions among the participants.