On 3rd November 2024, Biskra University, through the Laboratory of Specialised Systems,
Imaging and Applications in Engineering (LESIA) of the Faculty of Exact and Life Sciences -
Department of Automated Media, and the Thematic Agency for Research in Science and
Technology (ATRST) organised the activities of the "
Fourth International School on
Augmented and Virtual Reality" IVAR 2024. This event, chaired by the Rector, and
by administrators and officials, aims to provide students with innovative ideas VR and AR
leading to start-ups creation and patents filing related to XR in the Metaverse context. At the
beginning, the Laboratory Director, Pr. Mohamed Chaouki Baba H’nini, summarised the main
workshops programme axes, and national and international universities’ teachers and doctoral
students’ participation. The Computing department head, Pr.Tewfik Ben Dahmane, saw the
event an opportunity for academics and postgraduate students to share experiences and
encourage collaboration in the field, with emerging ideas. Then, the Faculty Dean, Pr.
Abdallah Attaf, referred to achievements and goals set in the field of digitalisation through
organising events that display different visions and ideas to allow shift from theory to
application. Running until 6 November, the events include face-to-face and remote lectures
and workshops led by teachers from national and foreign universities, including the French
University of Paris-Saclay, the University of Cyprus, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics,
Germany, and others. These workshops will discuss applications of deep image learning and
immersive technologies.