Run by Biskra Wilaya, the Post and Telecommunications Wilaya Directorate, with Biskra
University and other directorates and sectors, organised on 08 May 2024, an awareness
campaign on “social media use Risks”, attended by university officials, the Secretary General,
Vice-rectors, Faculties’ Deans, teachers and students, and Post and Telecommunications
Wilaya Directorate representatives and staff, authorities and security services. In his opening
statement, the Post and Telecommunications director pointed out to the event as part of the
national awareness campaign from 04 May until 10 May2024. This is to raise awareness
among social media users, provide preventive recommendations from various risks to avoid
the negative effects; he also referred to the participation of other institutions in the campaign.
On behalf of the University Rector, Pr. Salim Bitam made the official opening and referred to
the awareness-raising objectives, in light of the increasing reliance on social media, with the
negative effects and challenges imposed by the technological development and the risks to
individual privacy. He called for a working group to provide solutions. The event saw several
interventions from Biskra and national various bodies.