To commemorate the 79th anniversary National Day of the massacres of 08 May 1945, Biskra
University Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty organised on 08 May 2024, a National
Historical Seminar entitled ‘The Massacres of 08 May 1945.
Extermination and Colonial Repression. A Refusal to Forget Memory’. The University staff, the Secretary General, Vice-
rectors, Faculty Dean, Departments’ Heads, teachers and students attended the event. Pr.
Messaoud Karboua, the symposium Chairman, spoke about our ancestors’ heroism facing the
French colonialism, when the Algerians went out for the promised independence after their
fight against Nazism, and the repressed manifestations and massacres committed against the
Algerian people, with 45 thousand victims on that historic day, in various cities of Algeria.
The event started with the moujahid Bachir Zaghez intervention, followed by Pr. Redha
Houhou from Biskra University on the massacres through foreign newspapers, the by Pr.
Hicham Dhiab, from Barika University Centre. It also included a series of honours and a
historical exhibition by the Faculty student clubs.