Biskra University through the Laboratory of Finance, Banking and Business Administration
of Economics, Commerce and Management Sciences Faculty, organised a national
symposium titled ‘Requirements for Financial Stability under Oil Price Fluctuations in
Algeria - Towards a New Vision for Financial Stability’.
The university officials, the Secretary General, Vice-rectors, Faculties’ Deans, teachers and students, and Biskra Wilaya
executives and various banks representatives and financial and economic institutions attended
the event. At first, Mr Farid Abba, the symposium President, referred to the oil price
fluctuations impact on Algeria’s financial stability issue, to its objectives, to avoid economic
crises, and its impact on oil price changes in Algeria to funding the state budget. Then, the
Faculty Dean, Pr. Ismail Hedjazi praised the event organisers for being a distinguished
economic dimension, and a qualitative leap in the university’s openness for the benefit of the
students. On behalf of the Rector, the Vice-rector, Mr. Salim Bitam, emphasised, in his
opening event statement, on the relevance of recommendations to enrich the economic sector.
He, then, focused on the need to publish the forum’s papers to increase the visibility research
efforts. The forum was a five-theme programme, divided into two in-person sessions with a
remote session and with recommendations before the closing ceremony.