National Seminar on the Algerian Legislation Real Estate Property Acquisition Mechanisms

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Biskra University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, with Biskra Administrative Court,
organised on 07 May 2024, a seminar entitled ”Mechanisms for the Acquisition of Real Estate
Property in the Algerian Legislation”, attended by the university community,

the University Secretary General, the Vice-rectors and Faculties Deans as well as judiciary representatives
headed by Biskra Wilaya Administrative Court President. The Faculty Dean, Mr. Abderaouf
Debabeche, delivered a speech praising the cooperation between the University and the
Administrative Court of Biskra, followed by the Court President, Mr. Abdelmadjid Khalfouni
speech. Then, on behalf of the University Rector, the Vice-rector, Mr. Salim Bitam
announced the seminar official opening praising the efforts deployed for this event and noted
achievement convergence with university students. The of the Administrative Court President
presented a lecture on “The position of the Algerian legislator on the facts of ownership and
possession of real estate” beside lectures by University teachers, Biskra Real Estate
Governorate, and Biskra Wilaya Agriculture Directorate.
