Master’s Vivas Instructions


For the academic year 2023/2024, we wish our students success and a bright future in the
Master’s Vivas, from 10 to 13 June 2023 for the regular session, and from 24 to 25 June for
the catch-up session and the Resolution 1275. In order to ensure an academic atmosphere that
benefits all students, we remind those who are about to discuss their Vivas to abide by the
following instructions:

1- Any report by the defence committee or one of its members of scientific plagiarism in the
dissertation confirmed by the University Ethics Committee leads directly to referral to the
Disciplinary Council and possible exclusion from the Master’s degree altogether.
2- No celebrations are allowed inside the university and any violation will lead to referral to
the disciplinary councils.
3- Honoured guests must present their ID card upon entry and register the name of the
candidate’s Viva they wish to attend.
4- Any manifestations of chaos such as firecrackers, fireworks, reckless driving, and damage
to university facilities or misbehaviour with university users will be considered the
responsibility of the candidate and may lead to referral to the disciplinary councils and bear
all the consequences.