Erasmus+ KA171 CALL FOR APPLICATION PhD Students- Mechanics(Composites and Mechanical Behavior) 2024-2025 Coimbra University- Portugal

ERASMUSYou are likely to spend three months (03) studying abroad if you are a PhD student in Mechanics under the research field" Composites and Mechanical Behavior". Therefore, Biskra University would like to inform you that it offers one (01) Erasmus+ KA171 study mobility grants at Coimbra University in Portugal during this semester 2024-2025." It is an extra grant received from the partner university"

Ø PhD candidates in their second, third, and fourth years in which their research field is based on " Composites and Mechanical Behavior " are given priority over others in the selection process.

 The program supports people with special needs to participate in the call for applications.

 • Submission deadline: March 19, 2025 (23:59),

 • Files review date: March 20, 2025.
• The nomination list is due on March 23, 2025.

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