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النظام الوطني للتوثيق الإلكتروني

Système National de Documentation en Ligne

Research Axes

Research Axes

Team 01

¨      Establishment of good agricultural practices and environmental protection¨      Optimization of agricultural spraying and plant protection¨      Innovation and adaptation of agricultural mechanization¨      Quality of measurement in precision agriculture¨      Application of quality and safety procedures for operators in agriculture¨       Promotion of quality plant production

Team 02

¨      Knowledge, management and conservation of steppe, Saharan and forest fauna¨      Knowledge, management and conservation of steppe, Saharan and forest flora¨      Diagnosis and inventory of steppe, Saharan and forest ecosystems¨      Preservation and conservation of steppe, Saharan and forest heritage

Team 03

¨      Reproductive biology of game species in the different areas.¨      Breeding, management and conservation of faunal species.¨      Sampling of the fauna and flora of the different ecosystems.¨      Selection protocols and monitoring the appearance of diseases.

Team 04

¨           Collection of data relating to the production structures of foodstuffs of animal origin.¨           Collection of food samples for analysis.¨           Search for contaminants that may pose a threat to public health.¨           Study of the effects of natural bioactive molecules in the detoxification/reduction of danger for the consumer.¨           Monitoring of the food chain.¨           Proposed solution to combat the risks posed by contaminants.

Team 05

¨         Morpho-hydro-pedological mapping in arid regions¨         analysis of the component of different microbial populations and of these interactions (soils – plants)¨         distribution and spatio-temporal evolution of production systems¨         a multi-dimensional analysis on the spatio-temporal evolution of the fluctuation of productions and their interactions with the specific and common biogeochemical characteristic traits in the soils of arid regions

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