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النظام الوطني للتوثيق الإلكتروني

Système National de Documentation en Ligne


Communications nationales


M.Belahcène, A.Chouchane, Reconnaissance de visage basée sur les méthodes d’analyse et les statistiques. Wimam 2014 Guelma Algérie


Communications  internationales


M. Bessaoudi, M. Belahcene, A. Ouamane, A. Chouchane, S. Bourennane, A Novel Hybrid Approach for 3D Face RecognitionBased on Higher Order Tensor, Advances in Computing Systems and Applications, 2019


A. GUERGAZI, A. DEBILOU,  Commande floue d’un système photovoltaïque,  Conférence international Eau-Environement-Climat’2018, Hammamet, Tunisie


M. Bessaoudi, M. Belahcene, A. Ouamane, S. Bourennane, An Efficient Multimodal 2D and 3D FaceVerification Based on Tensor Representation, International Conference on Pattern Analysis andIntelligent Systems, October 2018.


M. Bessaoudi, M. Belahcene, A. Ouamane, A. Chouchane, S. Bourennane, Novel Approach Based on High Order Tensor and Multi-Scale Locals Features For 3D face Recognition, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES FOR SIGNAL& IMAGE PROCESSINGATSIP'2018.


R. Aliradi, A. Belkhir, A. Ouamane, H.Aliane, A.Sellam, A.Amrane, A. S. Elmaghraby, Face and kinship image based on combination descriptors-DIEDA for large scale features, 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC), April 2018, DOI: 10.1109/NCG.2018.8592933.


B. Ameur, M. Belahcene, S. Masmoudi, A. B. Hamida, Weighted PCA-EFMNet: A deep learning network for Face Verification in the Wild, 2018 4th International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP).


Hasseni, S.-E.-I. & Abdou, L. (2018), 'Robust Attitude Stabilization of a Quadrotor by Using LFT Linear-Parameter-Varying H¥', MED 2018 - 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation ,  Zadar, Croatia, June 19-22, 2018, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., cited By 0, 241-246.


S. Hasseni and L. Abdou, "Integral Backstepping/ LFT-LPV H_infinity Control for the Trajectory Tracking of a Quadrotor", 7th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC'2018), October 24-26, 2018, Valencia, Spain


S. Hasseni and L. Abdou, " An LPV H∞ Control Approach of the Quadrotor Attitude with Optimal Weighting Functions and Input Saturation", 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering  (ICEEB'2018), December 02-03, 2018, Biskra, Algeria


A. Seksaf and L. Abdou, "Distributed OS-CFAR System Optimization by using Particle Swarm Technique", 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEEB'2018), December 02-03, 2018, Biskra, Algeria


H. Glida, L. Abdou and H. Megherbi, "Design of Sliding-mode Controller for Quadrotor using Differential Evolution Algorithm", 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEEB'2018), December 02-03, 2018, Biskra, Algeria


A. Betka, N. Terki, A. Toumi and H. Dahmani, "An Enhanced GWO Algorithm for Solving Block Matching Problem", 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering  (ICEEB'2018), December 02-03, 2018, Biskra, Algeria


 D. Touil, N. Terki and K. Sidi Brahim  " Robust Visual Tracking based on Deep Learning and optimized Correlation Filters", 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering  (ICEEB'2018), December 02-03, 2018, Biskra, Algeria


 K. Sidi Brahim and N. Terki " LQR Control of Microcoaxial Helicopter Based on a Leunberger observer ", 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering  (ICEEB'2018), December 02-03, 2018, Biskra, Algeria


A. GUERGAZI, A. DEBILOU, Conception et modélisation d’un système photovoltaique par la recherche du point de puissance maximale MPPT, congrès international, Eaux, Déchets, Environnement (EDE6), Beni Mellal, Maroc, 2017


O. Laiadi, A. Ouamane, A. Benakcha, A. Taleb-ahmed, RFIW 2017: LPQ-SIEDA for Large Scale Kinship Verification, RFIW '17 Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Recognizing Families In the Wild, pp. 37-39, 127/10/2017.


B.Ameur, M.Belahcene, S.Masmoudi, A. , A.Benhamida,  A new GLBSIF Descriptor for Face Recognition in the Uncontrolled  Environments,  IEEE ATSIP 2017 Fes Maroc


Azizi A, El kourd K, A Hybrid Active Contour Without Re-initialization,"IPAC'2015 Batna-Algeria", 2015, www.ipac.netEl kourd K, Attia N, Jordan Décembre 2017.


B. Ameur, M. Belahcene, S. Masmoudi, A. B. Hamida, A new GLBSIF descriptor for face recognition in the uncontrolled environments, 2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP).


A. Chelihi et M M. Touba, "Commande adaptative décentralisée par mode glissant d'une machine asynchrone à double alimentation montée dans une éolienne" 5ème Conférence Internationale en Automatique &Traitement de signal (ATS)-2017 21-23 Mars, Sousse-Tunisie. 


A. Chelihi et M.M. Touba, “Chebyshev neural network based backstepping nonlinear controller for a electric vehicle“, 4nd International Conference on Automatic, Control, Engineering and Computer Science ACECS’17, 28-30 March 2017, Tangier – Morocco.


A. Chelihi and M. M. Touba, "Model-Free adaptive control of a Twin rotor MIMO system : Hyperstability theory", International Conference on Applied Sciences'17 26-27 May 2017 Istanbul-Turkey


S. Hasseni and L. Abdou, "Robust LPV Control Applied to a Personal Pendulum Vehicle", 18th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control & Computer Engineering (STA'2017), December 21,23, 2017, Monastir, Tunisia


M. Belahcene, M. Laid, A. Chouchane, A. Ouamane, S. Bourennane, Local descriptors and tensor local preserving projection in face recognition. 2016 6th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), pp. 1-6.


L. Abdou, O. Taibaoui and A. Taleb-Ahmed , "Threshold Optimisation in Distributed OS-CFAR System by using Simulated Annealing Technique", 4th International Conference on system and control (ICSC'2015), April 2015, Sousse Tunisia.


S. Touba, M.M. Touba, A. Titaouine, et O. Bennis,  "Probability Density Function Estimation and Blind Source Separation of Linear Mixtures using MLP Neural Networks",  International Conference on Applied Mathematics & Approximation Theory AMAT’15, 28-31 May 2015, Ankara, Turkey.


A. Ouamane, M. Bengherabi, A. Hadid, M. Cheriet, Side-Information based Exponential Discriminant Analysis for Face Verification in the Wild. 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), pp. 1-6.


El kourd K, Azizi A, Study With RK4 & ANOVA The Location Of The Tumor At The Smallest Time, ICCVIA'2015, http://iccvia.org/, 2015.


A. Chouchane, M. Belahcene, S. Bourennane, " 3D Face Detection using IPC Based Depth and Intensity images", in Medical Measurements and Application (MeMeA), International Symposium on IEEE, Italie 2015.


A. Chouchane, M. Belahcene, A. Ouamane, S. Bourennane, Multimodal face recognition based on histograms of three local descriptors using score level fusion. 2014 5th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), pp. 1-6.


M.Belahcène, A. Chouchane , M.A. Benatia , M. Halitim, 3D and 2D Face Recognition Based on Image segmentation, IEEE International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding (IEEE IWCIM 14) 1-2 Novembre 2014 Paris.


M. Belahcène, A. Chouchane et N.Mokhtari, 2D and 3D Face Recognition Based on IPC Detection and Patch of Interest Regions , IEEE 3rd International Science Conference on Vehicles and Expo. IEEE ICCVE’2014 2-8 Novembre 2014 Vienne Autriche


M. Belahcène,  A. Chouchane&HananeOuamane,  3D Face Recognition in Presence of Expressions by Fusion Regions of Interest,Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (IEEE SIU 14), 2014 22nd 23-25 April 2014 Avril Trabzon , Page(s):2269 - 2274 DOI:10.1109/SIU.2014.6830718 Publisher:IEEE.


M .Belahcène,  A. Chouchane& H.Ouamane, Face Recognition based concatenation of Interest Regions using Gabor+EFM+SVM, 20th LAAS International Science Conference, LAAS'14 27-29 March 2014 in Beirut, Lebanon.


A. Ouamane, M. Bengherabi, A. Guessoum, A. Hadid, M. Cheriet, Multi scale multi descriptor local binary features and exponential discriminant analysis for robust face authentication. The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2014), pp. 313-317.


A. Chouchane, M. Belahcene, A. Ouamane, S. Bourennane, 3D face recognition based on histograms of local descriptors. 2014 4th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), pp.  34-38.


Y Himeur, K Ait-sadi, A.Ouamane, A Fast and Robust Key-Frames based Video Copy Detection Using BSIF-RMI, 11th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP'14), pp. 40-47.


M. Belahcene, A. Chouchane, A. Ouamane, 2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), pp. 2269-2274.


A. Medjghou, A. Soltani  and L. Abdou,  "Design of Sliding Mode Control for a Mini-drone Quadrotor",  International Conference of Modeling and Simulation (ICMS’2014), 2014 ETB-Blida-Algeria.


S. Chaouch, L.Abdou and L. C. Allaoui , "Non linear Backstepping control of Induction Motor without speed encoder using genetic Algorithm", 15th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control & Computer Engineering (STA'2014), December 21,23, 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia.


A. Ouamane, M. Belahcene, S. Bourennane, Multimodal 3D and 2D face authentication approach using extended LBP and statistic local features proposed. 2013 4th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), pp. 130-135.


A.Chelihi," Decentralized Adaptive Control of Twin Rotor MIMO System using Stability Theory",  CETT 2013 : International conference on control engineering of information technology,  Sousse, Tunisie 2013.


Laboratoire d'Identification, commande, contrôle et communication«LI3CUB » Université Mohamed Khider Biskra, BP 145 RP, 07000 Biskra, Algérie lab.li3cub@univ-biskra.dz

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