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PhD thesis achieved


Daba'i Al-Nazir, The Compulsory Sayings and Their Interpretation Mechanisms in Fath Al-Bari in Sharh Sahih Bukhari by Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, 05/03/2019


Mubarak Rafafi, the grammatical structures between Arabic and pragmatic rhetoric, on 12/05/2019.


Naziha Rouina, the deliberative thinking of Ibn Wahb in his book Al-Burhan fi Wujuh al-Bayan, on 12/08/2019


Mahdi Mashta, the religious dimension in the religious discourse - Ibn Nabatah's sermons as an example, 02/06/2020


PhD thesis in progress


Malaam zoulikha, Diplomatic efforts of Afro-Asian countries towards the Algerian case (1954 - 1962), Registration Year2018/2019.


Djagbil belakacem, Coexistence between Maliki and Atari's doctrines in Algeria and its impacts on society (1518 1830), Registration Year2018/2019.


Namir Hocine, Economic and social reality under Ahmed Mansour Golden Saadi (986-1012 / 1578-160), Registration Year2018/2019


Sabri Mohamed, Al-Badia and the countryside in Pilk East during the era of Aldiyat (1671-1830) economic social study, Registration Year2018/2019


Aouiche Houda, Espace romanesque et perfectionnement linguistique : De la lecture à la production. Cas des étudiants de 1ere année LMD du Département de Français, doctorat es sciences, Université de Biskra ( en attente de soutenance)


Eljamoui Ben Dib, Political thinking at Malik bin Nabi '


Sigaa Oussama, Political thought at Safa brothers'.


Atia Khalid,"For a sociolinguistic study of epilingual speeches: the identity positioning of French-speaking journalists during the" hirak ".     Case of the newspaper of El-Watan from 01/01/2019 until 01/06/2020


Kasse Mohamed Ali,"Persuasive discursive strategies in telemarketing, state of play and perspectives. »


Djouadi Roumaissa,"Poetic and ethical of chance in waltz with goodbyes, the unsustainable lightness of being, the immortality of Milan Kundera


Slimani Souad,"For a morpho-semantic analysis of lexical amalgam. The telescoping between regularities and irregularities. »


An investigation of Gender Differences in the Use of Politeness Strategies- Ahmed Assaleh Mahdjoub


Feminist Language Reform as Linguistic Ideology: Analyzing Algerian Feminist Language Use, Choice and Attitude. 2000s Algerian Feminist Writers’ – Bochra Dakhane


The Issue of Female Emancipation in Dystopian Fiction through Margret Atwood the Handmaid’s Tale and Suzan Collins’ The Hunger Games Trilogy- Djouhri Rania


The Impact of Rubrics as a Self-assessment tool to improve learner Autonomy in Essay Writing. Nada Lalaoua


Existential Angst in the American Novel: A Study of J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye and Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar- Raja Rezzag Bara


A Stylistic Analysis of Alice Walker's The Color Purple and Sapphire's Push.Bouzidi Anouar


A Multimodal Social Semiotics Analysis of Intermodal Relations in Online Media Cartoons onCOVID-19 Infodemic: The Case of American Cartoons Websites – BOUKHENNOUFA Soussen


HAMEL Nawel, Portrait of lexical differences in French as a foreign language. Case of master's theses from the French section of the University of Biskra (pending defense)


MAHMOUDI Nour Elhouda, Towards a technodidactic for the development of digital literacy at the Algerian university. Case of students in the French section of Biskra, LMD doctorate, registration date 2019.


Aouiche Houda, Romanesque space and linguistic development: From reading to production. Case of 1st year LMD students from the French Department, doctorate in science, University of Biskra (pending defense)


GHANEM Fatma Zohra, Uchronia and episteme for an archeology of History. From relationship to identity in the Izuran triptych by Fatéma Bakhaï, LMD doctorate, registration date 2019.


Galia Locif, The educational letter at the Algerian school for primary stage - the second development


Sabah Benslitane, Linguistic costumes in the hair of Adib Kamal al-Din - Volume VI


Karbaa hicine, The cohesion of the script in the poetic discourse Ahmed Ali pension, study for a text


Abdala mahdaoui, The traded component in the book of assets for Chokani


Zahra sgiri, Learning the activities of the Arabic language for the first average puppet of the perspective of customary linguistics


Zouzou Zoubida, Topic under registration


SIDI SALAH Abdelwaheb, Topic under registration





Poetic discourse and the possibility of reading, Hilal Publishing House, Fez, Morocco, 2020


Poetic discourse and the logic of coherence, an organization that lines for publishing and distribution, Egypt 2020


The Evidence of the Symbol in the Diwan of Asdaa and Adhwaa by Sheikh Abdel Majid Farghali, from the book: Affective Discourse in the Poetry of Abdel Majid Farghali, Estroun Foundation for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 1st Edition, 2019


Adhaat Abdel Majid Farghali, the poet of the word through the eyes of the Algerian critic, Estroun Foundation for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 1st Edition, November 20, 2019.


Receiving a theory of text in contemporary Arab studies, on the book: Arabic Linguistics - Criticism and Review, International Researcher's Project, Relizane University, 1st Edition, 2019


The challenges of digitization and its role in teaching the Arabic language - The bet of digitization and the crisis of identity, The Digitization Challenge book in the Arabic language - Proceedings of the National Symposium 8-9 July 2019 - Al Hamma National Library, Publications of the Supreme Council for the Arabic Language, Presidency of the Republic,


Preparing and presenting critical highlights - Abdul Majid Farghali Literary Studies book series - Non-periodic series - September 2019.


The ambiguities of the revelation of the hadith of the soul in Divan Jars for the Underwater Skies, Othman Lusif - Poet of the Revolution and the Pen, prepared and presented by: Imad El Din Abdel Majid, First Edition, 2020, Ystroon Foundation for Printing and Book Distribution, Cairo.


Frih lakhmissi Al-Ziban in the National Movement and the Liberation Revolution 1844 1956', special edition of the Ministry of Mujahideen and Jurists, Dar al-Amal printing and publishing, Algeria, legal filing December 2021 Radmak: 7-27-644-9931-978 ISBN


Philosophy of the social actor in poetic theater discourse - An approach according to the nuclear gender theory in the "House under Execution" by Sheikh Abdel Majeed Farghali, the International Literary Conference on the Travel of Arabic Poetry, "Abdul Majeed Farghali, Poetic Discourse - Questions of Identity and Conscience, Estaron Foundation for the Printing and Distribution of Books," Cairo, 2020


Masmoudi nasredine,'The Second Historic State of the North Of Constantine 1954 1962', Special Edition of the Ministry of Mujahideen and Rights Holders, House of Hopes for Printing and Publishing, Algeria, Legal Filing December 2021 Radmak: 3-04 953-9931-978 ISBN


Frih lakhmissi,'History of the Algerian National Movement 1919-1954', Pedagogy's Book Facing the Third Year History, Academy of Forward-Looking Sciences Publications, Algeria 2021, ISBN978-9931-891-08-


Frih lakhmissi,'The historical and urban development of the city of Biskra in Arab sources and during the French colonial era (9th to 20th century),' the title of the collective book: (Algerian cities between the past and the present society, Imran, civilization), Radmak: 9-090-08-9931-978, 1,000 documents, publication and distribution, Constantine, Algeria, 2020.


Frih lakhmissi,'Popular Resistance in the Zeban region from 1858 to 1879', the title of the collective book: (History of Algeria Society, Culture and Elites through the Ages, Works dedicated to Dr. Yahya Bouaziz), Part II, Issue 11 Of The Second Six 2021, Publications of the Laboratory of Studies and Research in the Algerian Revolution,


MOUSTIRI Zineb Module: Written comprehension and expression, handout published for 1st year undergraduate students 2017


BENAZOUZ N., Representations of French language/culture among FLE teachers in Algeria, in reScilaC journal, University of Abomey-Calavi of Benin (indexing wordcate, stanford Libraries, Penn Libraries, Zeitschriften DatenBank), N° 11, June 2020, pp. 13-29, ISSN 1840-8001.


BENAZOUZ N., Hybridation dans le discours journalistique algérien, Ouvrage collectif « Langues africaines : alternances et emprunts », Cor KOUAME KOIA J-M, HOUMEGA M-A, KAKOU F-A, Centre de Reprographie de l'Enseignement Supérieur (CRES) - Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d'Ivoire, N° 1, September 2019, pp. 265-282, ISSN : 9 791094 58508


Benazouz N. and Hamel N., Teaching / Learning the FLE in Algeria: Towards the quest for an educational approach around cultural identity, in Proceedings of the 9th Panhellenic and International Conference of French Teachers: Teaching Language and Culture French: Building Socio-Humanist Bridges, Athens, December 2018, the Printing of the National University and Capodistrian of Athens, ISBN: 978-960-89216-3-4, ISBN: 978-960-466-200-200- 5


BENAZOUZ N. and HAMEL N., Métissage linguistique et appropriation socioculturelle dans le discours journalistique algérien, in Revue Socles, Volume 5, N° 11, November 2018


Writing Assessment: Use of Analytical Rubrics to Assess Essay Writing –Case of Third Year LMD Students of Biskra University March 2013 HUMAN SCIENCES MAGAZINE


Grammar Errors Analysis of Second Year Students of Biskra University HUMAN SCIENCES MAGAZINE May 2016