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النظام الوطني للتوثيق الإلكتروني

Système National de Documentation en Ligne

International Publications of Team 1

International Publications


[1] A. Menacer., Naît-Saïd M.S., Benakcha A/H and Drid S., “Stator Current Analysis of Incipient Fault Into Asynchronous Motor Rotor Bars Using Fourier Fast Transform,” Journal of Electrical Engineering Elektrotechnický časopis, JEEEC, Volume 55, N°:05-06, 2004, pp:122-130,

[2] Menacer A., Naît-Saïd M.S., Benakcha A/H and Drid S, “Stator Current Analysis of Incipient Fault into Induction Machine Rotor Bars,” Journal of Electrical Engineering, JEE, Volume 4, No.2, 2004 pp: 5-12, Romania, ISSN 1582-4594.

[3] A. Menacer; M. S. Nait Said; A. H. Benakcha; S. Moreau and Drid S, “The effect of variation resistance broken bars in induction motor using stator current signature analysis”, AMSE Association for the Advancement of Modelling & Simulation Techniques in Enterprises Vol. 78 nº 4, p33-47, France 2005.

[4] A. Bourek, L. Mokrani, A. Benakcha, M. Chabane “Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Observer for Sensorless Induction Machine Drive”, Electromotion journal, Romania, Voume 14, n° 3, Juillet – Septembre 2007, pp 143-152. http://www.utcluj.ro/electromotion/

 [5] A. Menacer, S. Moreau, G. Champenois, M. S. Nait-Said and , A. Benakcha, “A Parameter Identification of the Induction Machine using the Healthy Motor Model for Diagnosis”, Electromotion Journal, Vol. 15,N0 3, pp 121-130, 2008,www.Electromotion.utcluj.ro.

[6] A. Menacer, A. Benakcha and B. Messaoudi, “The use of the Direct Control of Stator Flux and Kalman Filter for the Direct Torque Control of Induction Machine”, Journal of electrical systems, N° 01, November 2009, PP. 42-47, www.press5star.com/ICEE-09.

[07] A. Menacer, G. Champenois, M. S. Nait-Said, A. Benakcha, S. Moreau, S. Hassaine, “Rotor Failures Diagnosis of Squirrel Cage Induction Motors Under Different Types of AC Sources Supplying”, Electrical Engineering & Technology (KIEE),Vol. 4 N°. 2, PP. 219-228, June 2009, www.eng.kiee.or.kr

[8] R. Kechida, A. Menacer, A. Benakcha, “Fault Detection of Broken Rotor Bars Using Stator Current Spectrum for the Direct Torque Control Induction Motor”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, N°.66 , June 2010, PP. 1244-1249 , www.waset.org/journals/waset.

 [9] Arezki Menacer, Sandrine Moreau and Gerard Champenois, "Parameters Identification of the Induction Machine Using a Non Linear Parametric Technique", EPE-European Power Electronics And Drives Association Volume 22/4, ISSN 0939-8368, 2013, http://www.epe-association.org/epe/index.php

[10] Redha Cheikh, Arezki MENACER, Said Drid, "Robust control cased of the Lyapunov theory of a grid connected doubly fed induction generator", journal Frontiers in Energy Spring, No. 2, Vol. 7, 2013

[11] Redha Cheikh, Arezki Menacer, Said Drid, Mourad Tiar, "Application of Fuzzy Logic Control Algorithm as Stator Power Controller of a Grid-Connected Doubly Fed Induction Generator" journal Frontiers in Energy Spring, No.1,Vol. 7, 2013. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11708-012-0217-7

 [12] Ridha KECHID, Arezki MENACER, Hicham TALHAOUI, "Approach signal for rotor fault detection in induction motors", Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention , June 2013, Volume 13, Issue 3, pp 346-352, DOI 10.1007/s11668-013-9681-6, Online ISSN 1864-1245, Publisher Springer US, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11668-013-9681-6

[13] Ridha Kechida, Arezki Menacer, "Rotor resistance estimation using an Extened Kalman Filter for fault detection in direct torque control induction motor", The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, Volume 9, No. 2, April 2013, ISSN: 1743-9310. pp. 67-72. http://www.medjmc.com/papers%20archive/index.html

 [14] H. Talhaoui, A. Menacer, A. Kessal, R. Kechida, "Fast Fourier and discrete wavelet transforms applied to sensorless vector control induction motor for rotor bar faults diagnosis", ISA Transactions, ISA Transactions, Vol. 53, No. 5, PP. 1639–1649, September 2014., Elsevier, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0019057814001232.

[15] B. Bessam, A. Menacer, M. Boumahrez, H.CHerif, "DWT and Hilbert Transform for Broken Rotor Bar Fault Diagnosis in Induction Machine at Low Load", Energy Procedia, Science direct, Volume 74, August 2015, Pages 1248–1257, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610215015374.

 [16] T. Ameid, Arezki Menacer, Hicham Talhaoui, Imadeddine Harzelli, "Broken Rotor Bars Fault Diagnosis using Fast Fourier Transform Applied to Field Oriented Control Induction Machine: Simulation and Experimental Study", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-0143-2, Springer-Verlag London 2017, impact factor 1.568, Category A.

[17] B. Bessam, A. Menacer, M. Boumahrez, H. CHerif, "Detection of broken rotor bar faults in induction motor at low load using neural network", ISA Transactions, Vol. 64, September 2016, Pages 241–246, Elsevier

[18] B. Bessam, A. Menacer, M. Boumahrez, H.CHerif, "Wavelet transform and neural network techniques for inter-turn short circuit diagnosis and location in induction motor, International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, Springer, December 2015

[19] A. Ammar, Amor Bourek, Abdelhamid Benakcha “Nonlinear SVM-DTC for induction motor drive using input-output feedback linearization and high order sliding mode control” ISA Transactions 2017.

[20] A. Ammar, Amor Bourek and Abdelhamid Benakcha “Robust SVM-direct torque control of induction motor based on sliding mode controller and sliding mode observer” Frontiers in Energy, 2017.

[21] A. Ammar, Amor Bourek, Abdelhamid Benakcha “Robust load angle direct torque control with SVM for sensorless induction motor using sliding mode controller and observer”, International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 2017.

[22] A. Ammar, Amor Bourek, Abdelhamid Benakcha, "Sensorless SVM-direct torque control for induction motor drive using sliding mode observers", Journal of Control Automation and Electrical Systems, 2016.

[23] A. Ammar, Abdelhamid Benakcha, Amor Bourek, "Adaptive MRAC-based direct torque control with SVM for sensorless induction motor using adaptive observer", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016.

 [24] A. BOUREK, L. Mokrani, A. Benakcha, M. Chabane “Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Observer for Sensorless Induction Machine Drive”, Electromotion journal, Romania, Voume 14, n° 3, Juillet – Septembre 2007, pp 143-152. http://www.utcluj.ro/electromotion.


 [25] Abdelmalik OUAMANE, Mébarka BELAHCENE, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, Mohamed BOUMEHREZ, Abdelmalik TALEB AHMED, « Identification of faces by multimodal information fusion of depth and color », Sensors & Transducers Journal, Vol. 140, No. 5, May 2012, pp. 74-87, http://www.sensorsportal.com/HTML/DIGEST/P_981.htm.

[26] Azzouz TAMAARAT, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, « Performance of PI controller for control of active and reactive power in DFIG operating in a grid-connected variable speed wind energy conversion system », Front. Energy 2014, 8(3): 371–378, Springer ISSN: 2095-1701, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11760-014-0712-x

[27] A. Ouamane, M. Belahcene, A. Benakcha, S. Bourennane, A. Taleb-Ahmed, « Robust multimodal 2D and 3D face authentication using local feature fusion », Signal, Image and Video Processing, (Springer), 2014, ISSN: 1863-1703, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11708-014-0318-6.


[28] Abrar ALLAG, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, Meriem ALLAG, Ismail ZEIN, Mohamed Yacine AYAD, « Classical state feedback controller for nonlinear systems using mean value theorem: closed loop-FOC of PMSM motor application », Frontiers in Energy, December 2015, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp 413-425



 [29] Azzouz TAMAARAT, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, « Performance of PI controller for control of active and reactive power in DFIG operating in a gridconnected variable speed wind energy conversion syste», Front. Energy, Vol.8, PP.371–378, 2014.

[30] A. Ouamane, M. Belahcene, A. Benakcha, S. Bourennane, A. Taleb-Ahmed, « Robust multimodal 2D and 3D face authentication using local feature fusion », Signal, Image and Video Processing, (Springer), 2014.

[31] Abrar ALLAG, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, Meriem ALLAG, Ismail ZEIN, Mohamed Yacine AYAD, « Classical state feedback controller for nonlinear systems using mean value theorem: closed loop-FOC of PMSM motor application », Frontiers in Energy, Vol. 9, N°.4, PP. 413-425, December 2015,


[32] B. Bessam, A. Menacer, M. Boumahrez, H.CHerif, "Detection of broken rotor bar faults in induction motor at low load using neural network",  ISA Transactions, Volume 64, September 2016, Pages 241–246,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2016.06.004,Elsevier,


[33] Hicham Talhaoui, Arezki Menacer, Abdelhalim KESSAL, Tarek Ameid "Experimental Diagnosis of Broken Rotor Bars Fault in Induction Machine Based On Hilbert and Discrete Wavelet Transforms", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-0143-2, Springer-Verlag London 2017, impact factor 1.568


[34] Tarek Ameid, Arezki Menacer, Hicham Talhaoui, Imadeddine Harzelli, "Broken Rotor Bars Fault Diagnosis using Fast Fourier Transform Applied to Field Oriented Control Induction Machine: Simulation and Experimental Study", International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, DOI 10.1007/s00170-017-0143-2, Springer-Verlag London 2017, impact factor 1.568


[35] Tarek Ameid, Arezki Menacer, Hicham Talhaoui, Imadeddine Harzelli, "Rotor resistance estimation using Extended Kalman filter and spectral analysis for rotor bar fault diagnosis of sensorless vector control induction motor", Journal of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), ISSN: 0263-2241, https://www.journals.elsevier.com/measurement/, Impact Factor: 2.359, 2017.


[36] Ridha Cheikh, Arezki Menacer, L. Chrifi-Alaoui, Said Drid, Robust nonlinear control via feedback linearization and Lyapunov theory for permanent magnet synchronous generator- based wind energy conversion system Journal Frontiers in Energy spring, No. 46, Vol. 12, 2018, Springer, pp 1–12.


[37] A.MENACER, I. Harzelli, Y MAANANI, T. AMEID High gain  observer for senso less input output linearizing control for induction motor with broken rotor bar fault Engineering Technology Open Access Journal (ETOAJ), Eng Technol  1(1): ETOAJ.MS.ID.555554 (2018),


[38] Tarek Ameid, Arezki Menacer, Hicham Talhaoui, Younes AZZOUG Discrete wavelet transform and energy eigen value for rotor bars fault detection in variable speed fieldoriented control of induction motor drive ISA transactions, Accepted/pii/S0019057818301654

[39] A Khemis, I Benlaloui, S Drid, L Chrifi-Alaoui, Menacer, High-efficiency induction motor drives using type-2 fuzzy logic The European Physical Journal plus 133 (3), March 2018, 133:86,


[40] Abdelkarim Ammar, “Performance improvement of direct torque control for induction motor drive via fuzzy logic-feedback linearization: Simulation and experimental assessment”

COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, 2019


[41]  Abdelkarim Ammar1, Billel, Talbi Tarek Ameid,  Younes Azzoug, Abdelaziz Kerrache5

“Predictive direct torque control with reduced ripples for induction motor drive based on T-S fuzzy speed controller”

Asian J Control. 2019;21:2155–2166.


[42] Imadeddine Harzelli, Arezki Menacer, Tarek Ameid, “A fault monitoring approach using model - based and neural network techniques applied to input–output feedback linearization control induction motor” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer, Published on 07 May 2019 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-019-01307-0.


[43] Yacine Maanani, Arezki Menacer, “Modeling and Diagnosis of the Inter-Turn Short Circuit Fault for the Sensorless Input-Output Linearization Control of the PMSM”,

Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 63(3), pp. 159–168, 2019


[44] Hakima Cherif, Abdelhamid Benakcha, Ismail Laib, Seif Eddine Chehaidia, Arezky Menacer, Bassel Soudan, A.G. Olabi “Early detection and localization of stator inter-turn faults based on discrete wavelet energy ratio and neural networks in induction motor”.

Energy 212 (2020) 118684, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2020.118684


[45] Hakima Cherif, Abdelhamid Benakcha, Abderrahmane Khechekhouche, Arezki Menacer, Seif Eddine Chehaidia, Hitesh Panchal “Experimental diagnosis of inter-turns stator fault and unbalanced voltage supply in induction motor using MCSA and DWER” Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, ISSN 2303-4521, Vol.8, No.3, September 2020, pp.1202-1216.


[46] Abdelkarim Ammar, “Second-order sliding mode-direct torque control and load torque estimation for sensorless model reference adaptive system–based induction machine”,

J Systems and Control Engineering 1–15, (2020)


[47] Abdelkarim Ammar, Aissa Kheldoun, Brahim Metidji, Tarek Ameid, Younes Azzoug

"Feedback linearization based sensorless direct torque control using stator flux MRAS-sliding mode observer for induction motor drive", ISA Transactions 98 (2020) 382–392.


[48] Imadeddine HARZELLI, Abdelhamid BENAKCHA, Tarek AMEID, Arezki MENACER “Closed-Loop Drive Detection and Diagnosis of Multiple Combined Faults in Induction Motor Through Model-Based and Neuro-Fuzzy Network Techniques”, Journal of Modeling and Optimization 2021;13(2):58-79 https://doi.org/10.32732/jmo.2021.13.2.58.


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