Welcome to Biskra
The 8th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Applications (ISPA 2024) is organized by University Mohamed Khider of Biskra, and the LVSC laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Technology.
Biskra, called the "Queen of Zibans", is a city located 470 KM southeast of Algiers. Chief town of Wilaya with an area is 21 671 Km², and its population and about 600 000 inhabitants.

Chained by two rivers: Oued foddala descending from Jebel Belezma and wadi Abdi descending from Jebel Mahmel which travel 120 km to arrive each one of its side to the corridor "Faj" and which give birth to Wadi Zarzour.
The rich fertile soil (topsoil) promotes agriculture and palm plantations.
Different places of interest mean that Biskra can be at the same time a city of rest, discovery and care through thermal spas: the Roman time pool and the famous hammam salhine.

On the outskirts of the city you can visit the village which has countless palm groves as Sidi Okba, M'chounech, El-Kantara, Sidi Okba, Aoumech, Mekhadma, Ourlel, Tolga, where we find the best dates in the world !
Visit in Pictures
MORE PICTURES about the city and its region: click here