Organigram of umkBISKRA


Tel :+213(0)33543160


 Rector of the University of BISKRA

Vice Rector in charge of higher education at the undergraduate and graduate level, continued education, diplomas and graduate training.

Vice Rector in charge of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation, Communication and Scientific Events.

Vice Rector in charge of Postgraduate training, university habilitation, scientific research and postgraduate higher educationp

Vice Rector in charge of Development, Foresight and Orientation.

Chief of staff

Teaching service, internships and evaluation

Diplomas and equivalences service

 Post-graduation and university habilitation service

Continued education service

University exchanges, cooperation and partnership services

Animation and communication service and scientific events

Post-graduation and postgraduate training service

University habilitation service

Service of follow-up of research activities, research and the valorization of its results

Statistics and foresight

Orientation and information

Monitoring of building programs and equipment of the university

Staff and training branch

Budget branch and accounting department

Resources and maintenance branch

Branch of scientific, cultural and sports activities

University Board of Trustees University Scientific Council Local Committee of Ethics and Professional Conduct The University Library

Faculties / Institute

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Languages Faculty of the exact sciences, natural and life sciences Faculty of Law and Political Science Institute of Sciences and Techniques of Physical Activities and Sports (ISTAPS)


Common Services
Intensive Language Teaching Center

Center for Networks, Information and Communication Systems

Publishing Branch

Preventive medicine unit